Thursday, February 1, 2018

Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon is the journey of a man, Charlie Gordon a 32 years old mentally challenged man who had the opportunity to undergo a surgical procedure that will help him with his condition. This procedure had already been performed on a laboratory mouse, Algernon, with remarkable results.

Upon reading the book I was immediately hooked with Charlie’s character because of his innocence. Charlie’s innocence is like a fresh air from the harsh truth of the society.
He let me see the world through his perspective which is really different because of his condition. At first I was laughing and agreeing to his funny remarks.
And as I read page after page I kept on guessing what would happen and what had happened in the past.

The story is really captivating because of the diverse personality of the characters and how it made the flow of the story run smoothly. The funny thing is it seriously made me emotional.
And although the ending will leave you with questions it was the part that had a huge impact on me and it really made me cry.

This type of book will be of help on how to understand those who see the world in a different perspective than usual. And the author — Daniel Keyes’ writing style which is captivating and will leave the readers in awe and wanting more is I believe the best way on how to make the readers do it.
This book is seriously for everyone; for those who have had an interest on Psychological things, fans of drama, and it may be for younger readers or older ones.

Flowers for Algernon would get a rating of ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ because of it’s excellence in different areas such as the plot itself which would surely make the readers not regret reading it.

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