Thursday, February 1, 2018

How to Take Care of a Sad Person

adjective: feeling or showing of sorrow or unhappy because of some certain reason
    A sad person is never easy to take good care of. It requires pure concern towards the person to actually take care of them. But guess what, sad person have reasons why they are sad like how you have reason for being happy and they just need some understanding.

So here are some tips on how to take good care of a sad person:
Tip 1: Truly care about the sad person. Pretending that you care will make everything difficult for the both of you especially because you are mainly lying that you would be there to help because you care when in fact you do not. So if you don’t care just tell the person and leave him/her alone or maybe look for someone that truly cares.

Tip 2: Listen.  They are sad for a reason and listening to them will actually make them vent out whatever reason they have for being sad which will help lessen the weight of the baggage they are carrying.

Tip 3: Never get tired of them and just always be there. Being there is already a big thing for them. It will actually make them feel better and if ever you want to cheer them up please do so because they would really appreciate it.

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