Thursday, February 1, 2018

Handling Introverts Like a Pro

: individuals who do not have the same feels like you; a reserved person who finds strength from being alone. 
      Introverts are not easy to handle, handling them requires a great amount of patience and understanding but guess what, they are one of the best individuals you would ever encounter. (Just make sure not to be annoyingly talkative.)

Here are some steps you could use in handling introverts like a pro from an introvert herself:
Step 1: Don’t (please I am begging you not to) invade their personal space. Introverts love their personal space, people who love invading their personal space makes them uncomfortable. They are allergic to socializing. Unlike you they need a day or two to actually prepare before an event. Socializing drains them.

Step 2: Stop talking about yourself. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU. Imagine someone invading your space talking about himself and you have no choice but to stay there and pretend like you are very much interested but it is draining you, this my friend is what we feel every time.

Step 3: Understand that the introverts’ source of strength is being alone. STOP FORCING THEM TO SOCIALIZE PLEASE. Socializing is not really a must and is not supposed to be required because people have different ways of learning and doing things. Introverts are very much tired of this stigma because it is not healthy for them to be forced every time because they are seen as not normal.

Step 4: Make them feel comfortable but never ever push yourself to them. This is not because they hate you or maybe they do but technically they just love being alone but not lonely. Besides, if ever they feel or they like your presence they will be like cats all over you.

Step 5: Respect and understand their hibernation time. Introverts need to recharge and the only way to do so is to spend some time alone. Respect this and they would really appreciate it.

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