Friday, February 2, 2018

Interesting Facts about Computer

Computers have turned into an imperative piece of our every day life. This marvelous machine changed our lives in such a significant number of ways. There are loads of intriguing realities about PC that I figured you would be occupied with. That’s why I’ve listed 20 of them that you can check out.

1.) The first electronic computer ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1800 square feet.
2.) Only about 10% of the world’s currency is physical money, the rest only exists on computers.
3.) TYPEWRITER is the longest word that you can write using the letters only on one row of the keyboard of your computer.
4.) Doug Engelbart invented the first computer mouse in around 1964 which was made of wood.
5.) There are more than 5000 new computer viruses are released every month. (Imagine that!)
6.) Around 50% of all Wikipedia vandalism is caught by a single computer program with more than 90% accuracy.
7.) If there was a computer as powerful as the human brain, it would be able to do 38 thousand trillion operations per second and hold more than 3580 terabytes of memory.
8.) The password for the computer controls of nuclear tipped missiles of the U.S was 00000000 for eight years.
9.) Approximately 70% of virus writers are said to work under contract for organized crime syndicates.
10.) HP, Microsoft and Apple have one very interesting thing in common – they were all started in a garage. (Imma start my own company 😂)
11.) An average person normally blinks 20 times a minute, but when using a computer he/she blinks only 7 times a minute.
12.) The house where Bill Gates lives, was designed using a Macintosh computer.
13.) The first ever hard disk drive was made in 1979, and could hold only 5MB of data.
14.) The first 1GB hard disk drive was announced in 1980 which weighed about 550 pounds, and had a price tag of $40,000.
15.) More than 80% of the emails sent daily are spams.
16.) A group of 12 engineers designed IBM PC and they were called as “The Dirty Dozen”.
17.) The original name of windows was Interface Manager.
18.) The first microprocessor created by Intel was the 4004. It was designed for a calculator, and in that time nobody imagined where it would lead.
19.) IBM 5120 from 1980 was the heaviest desktop computer ever made. It weighed about 105 pounds, not including the 130 pounds external floppy drive.
20.) Genesis Device demonstration video in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, was the the first entirely computer generated movie sequence in the history of cinema. That studio later become Pixar.

I hope you appreciated those PC certainties as much as I did. Offer them with your companions so they can appreciate them as well. You may likewise look at the articles underneath and keep in mind to visit Nerd Spot from time to time for more technology stuff.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

How to Win a Girl’s Heart Through Courtship?

noun: an act of showing your feelings towards a person through sweet gestures 

    Girls are not just about sweet talks, chocolates, flowers, and/or jewelries; they are more than material things. Winning their hearts is not just through material things, although they are appreciated, but it is not always material things that matters especially if your goal is to express your real feelings for girls.

Here are some tips to properly court a girl you love: 

Tip 1: Listen. Girls are different from each other. Maybe your moves or “galawan” before will not work with this girl now. Listening to them would help you understand their story more than just the shallow surface of their whole self. It would help you come up with ideas on how to make her comfortable and safe with your company. In short it is the best way to be her friend and in the future her partner.

Tip 2: Fill everything that she lacks. This is not always doing the first move in everything. This is actually about compromising with what she has and what you have to make whatever it is between you two work. This is about filling in her weaknesses with your strength. For instance if the girl you like is not that confident during the first date then make a move and start a conversation with her in this way you will get to know her more and will help you make the second date better than the first.

Tip 3: Win her trust and never lose it. Winning a girl’s trust is never easy especially if that girl you like or love has trust issues. Her trust is actually way more important than her love, she could love someone but not trust them but she could not trust someone without loving them. Trust is actually the foundation of any relationship together with friendship. Acting like a jerk will not make you a man, treating her right will do. The thing is, at the very first place, it was your intention to express your love not to toy her so please never ever play with a girl because you are not just ruining your reputation but her future relationships as well.

Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon is the journey of a man, Charlie Gordon a 32 years old mentally challenged man who had the opportunity to undergo a surgical procedure that will help him with his condition. This procedure had already been performed on a laboratory mouse, Algernon, with remarkable results.

Upon reading the book I was immediately hooked with Charlie’s character because of his innocence. Charlie’s innocence is like a fresh air from the harsh truth of the society.
He let me see the world through his perspective which is really different because of his condition. At first I was laughing and agreeing to his funny remarks.
And as I read page after page I kept on guessing what would happen and what had happened in the past.

The story is really captivating because of the diverse personality of the characters and how it made the flow of the story run smoothly. The funny thing is it seriously made me emotional.
And although the ending will leave you with questions it was the part that had a huge impact on me and it really made me cry.

This type of book will be of help on how to understand those who see the world in a different perspective than usual. And the author — Daniel Keyes’ writing style which is captivating and will leave the readers in awe and wanting more is I believe the best way on how to make the readers do it.
This book is seriously for everyone; for those who have had an interest on Psychological things, fans of drama, and it may be for younger readers or older ones.

Flowers for Algernon would get a rating of ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ because of it’s excellence in different areas such as the plot itself which would surely make the readers not regret reading it.

How to Take Care of a Sad Person

adjective: feeling or showing of sorrow or unhappy because of some certain reason
    A sad person is never easy to take good care of. It requires pure concern towards the person to actually take care of them. But guess what, sad person have reasons why they are sad like how you have reason for being happy and they just need some understanding.

So here are some tips on how to take good care of a sad person:
Tip 1: Truly care about the sad person. Pretending that you care will make everything difficult for the both of you especially because you are mainly lying that you would be there to help because you care when in fact you do not. So if you don’t care just tell the person and leave him/her alone or maybe look for someone that truly cares.

Tip 2: Listen.  They are sad for a reason and listening to them will actually make them vent out whatever reason they have for being sad which will help lessen the weight of the baggage they are carrying.

Tip 3: Never get tired of them and just always be there. Being there is already a big thing for them. It will actually make them feel better and if ever you want to cheer them up please do so because they would really appreciate it.

Handling Introverts Like a Pro

: individuals who do not have the same feels like you; a reserved person who finds strength from being alone. 
      Introverts are not easy to handle, handling them requires a great amount of patience and understanding but guess what, they are one of the best individuals you would ever encounter. (Just make sure not to be annoyingly talkative.)

Here are some steps you could use in handling introverts like a pro from an introvert herself:
Step 1: Don’t (please I am begging you not to) invade their personal space. Introverts love their personal space, people who love invading their personal space makes them uncomfortable. They are allergic to socializing. Unlike you they need a day or two to actually prepare before an event. Socializing drains them.

Step 2: Stop talking about yourself. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU. Imagine someone invading your space talking about himself and you have no choice but to stay there and pretend like you are very much interested but it is draining you, this my friend is what we feel every time.

Step 3: Understand that the introverts’ source of strength is being alone. STOP FORCING THEM TO SOCIALIZE PLEASE. Socializing is not really a must and is not supposed to be required because people have different ways of learning and doing things. Introverts are very much tired of this stigma because it is not healthy for them to be forced every time because they are seen as not normal.

Step 4: Make them feel comfortable but never ever push yourself to them. This is not because they hate you or maybe they do but technically they just love being alone but not lonely. Besides, if ever they feel or they like your presence they will be like cats all over you.

Step 5: Respect and understand their hibernation time. Introverts need to recharge and the only way to do so is to spend some time alone. Respect this and they would really appreciate it.